I am so sorry! I feel bad! I really didn’t think anyone was still checking this blog!

I started to get miserable after week 38, and my stubborn little girl just wasn’t budging! I started maternity leave on wel 39, and just waited for Blake! She made me wait until 41 weeks, at which point the doctors decided it was better to induce labor.

I went into the hospital to be induced around 7 AM on Tuesday, May 3rd. My pitocin was started around 10, and my contractions were very mild. Labor wasn’t as terrible as I imagined. I started pushing at 7, and was done by 7:51 PM. Blake Leigh Ann Brockpahler was born 8 pounds 1.6 oz, and measured 20.5 inches. She was just perfect, and her daddy and I fell in love instantly!

She is a great baby, and I love being her mommy more than anything else in the world! I can’t believe how fast time has flown by–I am already done with maternity leave, and Blake will start daycare on Monday :(.

I started a craft blog with my mom-you can find me here:
Hidden Treasure Crafts

Here’s the most adorable little girl ever!





I know I didn’t update the blog with my belly photo last week, but I did take one!  I can’t find it–I uploaded a handful of photos onto my computer last weekend, and I thought that was in the bunch.  I then formatted my card, and the picture is gone :(.

I have been feeling really moody–my clothes are all super tight and I feel humungous!  I am just ready to meet you little girl.  I took the pictures even though I have been feeling bad about myself, because I would probably regret it later on!

Okay little girl, I’m bouncing, walking, eating pineapples and spicy food.  It seems you just aren’t ready!  Mommy is ready to meet you :).

There isn’t really much to say, because we are so close!  Your job in the next couple of weeks is just to continue getting bigger! Unfortunately, that means that I am getting even bigger too.  My maternity clothes are getting so tight, but I don’t want to go and buy new stuff with only a few weeks left.

36 Weeks

36 Weeks from babycenter.com

And our ultrasound photo from last week!  You are so huge that it was hard to get a good picture.

Shot of your head and chest (3/24/2011)

You are about 18 inches and over 5 1/4 pounds!  Your biggest job now is to gain weight and fat, because most everything else is developed!

35 Weeks from babycenter.org

Me at 35 weeks

35 weeks

I have noticed a couple of stretch marks and my belly button is almost sticking out.  I have been useless this week–just exhausted and uncomfortable.  I really need a day or two to catch up on sleep so that I can be rested enough to catch up on the rest of my housework and baby preparation.

We went and saw our doctor today.  I am measuring at 36 weeks, so she’s either big or I am perhaps a bit further along than we thought.  They did the Strep B test, but we aren’t sure what the results are yet.  If they are positive, it’s really nothing big to worry about.  When I am admitted to the hospital, they will just give me more antibiotics to protect baby from the bacteria.  We also got another ultrasound, but Blake was so big that it was hard to get a good picture!  She is getting so big!

My dearest Blake, we are 34 weeks this week!  Can you believe it?  In three short weeks, we will be considered full-term.  You could be ready anytime now. 

You weigh close to 5 pounds this week, and measure around 18 inches.  Your central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature.  You are really close, my girl, and mommy is so excited to meet you.  It’s getting harder to work, to sleep, or to do anything without getting excited for your arrival. 

34 Weeks Pregnant from babycenter.com

You are running out of room in my belly, and I feel you moving all of the time (especially by my ribs). 

34 Weeks

34 Weeks

I have my first baby shower this weekend in the Twin Cities, and I am so excited to see all of my family!  I am sure I’ll have a lot to share after the shower! 

AND we have another doctor’s appointment and our child birthing class next week, so there will be plenty to share!

So I am just going to take a second and whine. I woke up this morning completely exhausted after a night of tossing and turning. I also had a headache because I must have slept funny during one of my short bouts with sleep! I want to sleep on my belly again. Sleeping on my sides is really hard, and I feel like my sides are supporting a lot of weight when I do that.

And I feel HUGE! I feel like my face is getting puffy, my thighs are unbearably large, and my arms are as big as some skinny cheerleader’s thigh! Ugh! I will NEVER again say that I was huge pre-baby. I wasn’t! I absolutely love my little pumpkin, but I just want to meet her and have my body back!

Oh, and I can only eat really small portions before I start to feel completely uncomfortable. While I am complaining, I might also add that my throat gets so dry that I am constantly drinking more water which means more trips to the bathroom! And the Charlie horses-don’t even get me started!

I’m all seriousness, I have had a pretty smooth and easy pregnancy. I can’t complain much. I am extremely grateful for this little girl, and there is nothing better than feeling her dance inside of me. I just needed a second to vent. Carry-on third tri-mester, carry-on!

I found this cute little diddy on http://www.babycenter.com:

If only you’d known you were going to trade…

  • Monthly PMS for nine months of weeping
  • Lacy thongs for cotton tents
  • Sex for gas
  • Zinfandel for warm milk
  • Birth control for laxatives
  • Going to the gym for getting up to pee
  • Your waist for a hot-air balloon
  • Kickboxing for kick counts
  • Your innie for an outie
  • Sleeping for groaning
  • Freedom for the most intense love you’ve ever known!

Ahhhh shucks!  How sweet!

So I went into the doctor’s office on Thursday (also the day that I was suppose to be 32 weeks based on my May 5th due date).  The doctor measured my stomach and told me that I was measuring closer to 34 weeks, so they wanted to use my April 25th due date again.  That means that, instead of just being 32 weeks, I was 33 1/2 weeks.  I am very excited about this, but I also feel like I lost two weeks!

My blood pressure was still really good, and the doctors were happy with everything!  They even think that your head is down already!  They did want to do another blood draw to check my iron.  They like to have iron levels over 12, but last appointment mine was just on the border.  My iron was on the border again, so they want me to start taking iron supplements.  They aren’t worried about it at all, but they just want to be safe.

We are starting to get so close!  We have our next appointment in two weeks, and it’s crazy to think that we will be 35 weeks at the next appointment.

33 Weeks from babycenter.com

This week you are over four pounds and measure around 17 inches!  You are getting so big, and I feel you moving around so much!  You are gaining more fat and losing the wrinkled look a little more this week.  I am starting to feel way more uncomfortable, and you are definitely kicking and moving around my ribs a lot.  My back hurts, and I’m really tired again (like the first trimester)!  It will all be worth it–I can’t wait to meet my little pumpkin!

33 Weeks

33 Weeks

Daddy and I went to our first baby class at the hospital this week. Daddy was not really looking forward to it, but I think he had a good time!

The class was very informative, and I felt like we learned a lot about what to expect but also milestones to watch and plan for when our little pumpkin is here! I was excited that we got a handy book to take home with us that will help us determine when to introduce different foods into baby’s diet and so many other things! Just one step closer to meeting our little girl!

At the end of the class, we practiced giving a doll a sponge bath for the first couple of days home before her umbilical cord falls out. Josh did all of the practicing, and I think he enjoyed himself! We are both starting to get so excited, even though I am starting to get a little nervous as well!

This post is a couple of days late, but we’re still 31 weeks so it’s all okay!

I’m feeling so huge, and we still technically have 9 weeks left (well 8 1/2, but who’s counting??).  This week you are around 3 1/2 pounds and 16 inches long!  I think you maybe bigger than that, just because I know your daddy so well and he likes to eat.  You are finally beginning to fill out and gain some fat on your body.  You are also moving side-to-side.  Actually, you are just moving around a lot!  You wake me up in the morning, in the middle of the night, and keep me giggling during the day at work!

31 Weeks from babycenter.com

Mommy and Lola at 31 weeks